Sunday, August 31, 2014

From Borosa River to Banderillas Peak

This was one of my favorite trips during my stay in Spain. 

After staying up way too late for the past month, my Supervisor took me West towards the Sierra Nevada where we spent two days in the region of Alicante. The first day we spent hiking the trails around the Rio Mundo. I made a video about it and you can watch it here.

The second day we went hiking in the Cazorla Natural Park in the province of Jaen in Andalusia.

The views were amazing! We started at 9 am and hiked for almost 10 hours! We started at the trail head at the Borosa River and walked with our hands grazing the rosemary bushes. The trail began just above a fish hatchery. Some of the ranges were very steep and very old! The paths were falling apart as we climbed up the mountain. We passed by two mountain homes that were very old and destroyed. It was amazing to see the the structures still standing.
The most amazing part of this trek was Tranco del Perro (Walk of the dog). It was a high pass between the two mountain peaks. It was extremely beautiful and the pictures do not do it justice!

The picture of me at the bottom is from the peak. It was amazing how far the range expanded! Looking at these photos really made me remember how amazing this hike was! I'm very grateful I got to see this! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back on Track? I think (week 5)

So, What I have learned about blogging my experiences during one of the most exciting times of my life is that you miss out on a bunch of new exciting times while you're blogging about them. So I decided to stop blogging.

What does all this mean?

A ridiculously boring blog!

Until Now! I'll post about the rest of my experiences in Spain and have a fresh perspective on my trip. I hope.

I mean, it's still science... and loser pictures of me in front
of really old things... but hey you are here!

So it's early April and things are running slow. Did I say slow? I meant drunk. Easter weekend was insane! Yes, it's about the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and yes it's about repenting for your sins, but for many Spaniards it's also a week off work... Insert debauchery here. The procession consisted of hundreds of Catholics walking down the streets of Murcia with large wooden crosses, giant statues depicting the death and resurrection of Jesus, and colored robes bursting with candy for the kids. It was very beautiful and stunning how the whole city gets involved.

 Directly after semana santa (Saints week) is la festival primavera (The spring festival). This means another week off work (2 total) which means another week of drinking! I tried to keep up and take advantage of all that their was at the festivals, including seeing a band that started their show with the Canadian anthem and had the Canada flag as their back drop the whole show. It was really funny. I kept on yelling "Yeah! Bitumen! Destroy more Land!", but it was lost on my friends.

The week ends with the biggest party of the year. Everyone dresses in traditional clothes and party in the city all day! I would have taken a bunch of pictures but my Supervisor, the amazing Nacho Querejeta,  recognized how destroyed I was and offered to take me to the mountains near Sierra Nevada instead! Sweet!

Until Next time!