Sunday, August 31, 2014

From Borosa River to Banderillas Peak

This was one of my favorite trips during my stay in Spain. 

After staying up way too late for the past month, my Supervisor took me West towards the Sierra Nevada where we spent two days in the region of Alicante. The first day we spent hiking the trails around the Rio Mundo. I made a video about it and you can watch it here.

The second day we went hiking in the Cazorla Natural Park in the province of Jaen in Andalusia.

The views were amazing! We started at 9 am and hiked for almost 10 hours! We started at the trail head at the Borosa River and walked with our hands grazing the rosemary bushes. The trail began just above a fish hatchery. Some of the ranges were very steep and very old! The paths were falling apart as we climbed up the mountain. We passed by two mountain homes that were very old and destroyed. It was amazing to see the the structures still standing.
The most amazing part of this trek was Tranco del Perro (Walk of the dog). It was a high pass between the two mountain peaks. It was extremely beautiful and the pictures do not do it justice!

The picture of me at the bottom is from the peak. It was amazing how far the range expanded! Looking at these photos really made me remember how amazing this hike was! I'm very grateful I got to see this! 

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